Thursday, August 30, 2012

Notions of the Ocean

Hey all, sorry about the wait. Life got horrifyingly hectic over the past couple months.

Anyways, I'm back, and just in time to leave you yet again.

We're going camping this labor day weekend, and we leave tomorrow. Bubbahkin left around noon today for Grayland State Park on the south central coast of this beautiful state of Washington. My parents loaded up their huge fifth-wheel and decided they would take her with them. Deciding that a couple nights of fantastic sleep would be absolutely grand, we agreed.
The momma is at work, and I'm as antsy as can be. I've waited all year to take my little girl to the beach and see what she thinks of the almighty Specific Ocean.
We took her to Ocean City last year, but at only a few months old, there wasn't really much for her to do. I have no doubt she enjoyed it, but I can't wait to see her get all kinds of dirty. If she's anything like I was, that won't take but a few minutes.

I'm definitely going to take LOADS of pictures, so if that's what you're most interested in, definitely stay tuned! =]

Until then, I'm going to have to sign off. Got a lot to do, on top of a mountain of laundry the little one left for me.

Take care, and always remember where your enchanted items are!