Monday, May 14, 2012

Fus Ro Dah

Hello everyone!

             My name is Brad. I'm 23 years old, married to my best friend, and stay at home dad to a beautiful one year old daughter named Claire. My days are filled with excitement at every turn watching her grow.  Though I'm not going to admit that everything is perfect, because my child is extraordinarily odd, and the strangest things happen in this quiet little place we call home, I thought it to be towards the greater good of parent-kind to share this information with the general community. Because most of us (at one point or another) will have children, or already do. So if you happen to have a child as strange as mine, hopefully you'll be a little better prepared.
             First you're probably wondering why this blog is titled, "The Adventures of Bubbahkin". Almost everyone we know (including me and the missus) calls my daughter Bubbie, as well as multiple different variations of it. Bubz, tubby bubby, bubbaroni, bubbalicious, bubbers tubbers, the list goes on. If any of you have played the most recent installation in "The Elder Scrolls" known as "Skyrim" you probably have deducted where it came from already. In the game, the character you play as is known as the Dovahkin. This is translated from an in game language and means "Dragonborn" or "Dragonkin". You are the only entity that can destroy a dragon by devouring it's soul . Well, I was playing said game, and my daughter picked up a ruler and attempted to attack a dragon on screen while screaming "ROAR". Hence, the birth of the Bubbahkin.

These are her stories.

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